
Per Christian Hansen. Foto: Joachim Rode
02 APR

Matematik-professor bliver VILLUM Investigator

Professor Per Christian Hansen fra DTU Compute modtager VILLUM Investigator-bevilling på 35 mio. kroner. Han vil udvikle nye algoritmer, som kan beskrive usikkerheden i...

Computer calculations Data analysis Software and programming Mathematical analysis Mathematical modelling Statistics Mathematical logics
Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers besøgte DTU Energi for at høre om dansk forskning i udvikling af nye batterimaterialer og katalysatorer, og brug af kunstig intelligens i energiplanlægning
03 OCT

Uddannelses og forskningsministeren hørte om kunstig intelligens og nye materialer...

Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers besøgte DTU for at høre om dansk forskning i udvikling af nye batterimaterialer og katalysatorer, og brug af kunstig intelligens...

Computer calculations Energy Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy systems
Artificial intelligence must create the greatest possible benefit for everybody, feels Ole Winther. For example in the car of the future, which can make children, youngsters, and old people more mobile. Photo: Mikal Schlosser
27 MAR

Should we fear AI?

Prominent personalities like scientist Stephen Hawking and SpaceX and Tesla inventor Elon Musk are among those who describe artificial intelligence as nothing less than...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Software and programming Mathematical modelling
Foto: Mikal Schlosser
27 MAR

DTU-forsker: Ingen grund til at frygte kunstig intelligens

Fremtrædende personligheder som videnskabsmanden Stephen Hawking og SpaceX- og Tesla-opfinderen Elon Musk er blandt dem, der omtaler kunstig intelligens som intet mindre...

Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Software and programming Mathematical modelling
09 FEB

Din Facebook eller din smartphone kan stoppe sygdomsudbrud

Nyt forskningsprojekt, som involverer forskere fra DTU Compute og data fra DTU-studerende, afslører, at sociale medier og smartphones kan forhindre at sygdom spredes gennem...

Computer calculations Data analysis Mathematical modelling Statistics
25 JAN

Your Facebook or phone can stop a disease outbreak

A new study, involving researchers from DTU Compute and using data from DTU students, discovers the usefulness of social media and mobile phone data in preventing diseases...

Information technology Computer calculations Data analysis Mathematical modelling
Photo: All Over Press
08 AUG

It’s all about digitization

The fourth industrial revolution is based on digitization. The sheer number of new, faster and cheaper technologies is making it easier for businesses to digitalize. And...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
Illustration: Shutterstock
08 AUG

Before, it was 3D printing: Now Additive Manufacturing is the new black

However, 3D printing is a key technology within Additive Manufacturing, a concept which is attracting the interest of a growing number of companies.

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
Photo: Shutterstock
08 AUG

Soon hospital beds will take their own baths

Researchers and hospital employees are developing robots that can transport hospital beds to an automatic washing facility without being touched by human hands.

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
When things, people, machines, robots, and systems are interconnected, the potential for improving productivity is enormous. Photo: Colourbox
08 AUG

The Internet of Things—and machines: Linking machines to machines

Linking industrial machinery, robots, and systems together holds considerable potential. However, it also requires a high level of security to avoid both breakdowns and...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management Construction and mechanics
Mikal Schlosser
08 AUG

Students and researchers in international robotics competition

As the only Scandinavian university, DTU participated in a robotics competition in Abu Dhabi where robots demonstrated their ability to perceive and adapt to changes in...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
03 FEB

Millions for research into the treatment of heart patients and psychiatric and...

Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 27 million to two major health-promoting projects carried out at the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET,, in which...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
01 FEB

Millioner til forskning i behandling af hjertepatienter og psykiatriske og neurologiske...

Innovationsfonden har bevilget 27 millioner til to store sundhedsfremmende projekter ved Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET, hvor DTU Compute og DTU Elektro...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
09 SEP

DTU skal hjælpe virksomheder med digital innovation gennem Big Data

20 danske virksomheder har netop påbegyndt et nyt unikt efteruddannelsesforløb, der skal sikre, at de får realiseret vækstpotentialet ved strategisk udnyttelse af data...

Data analysis Computer calculations
04 AUG

At the forefront of solar power

Sunshine can be hard to predict. However, new software will make it possible to predict the electricity production from a photovoltaic (solar cell) system.

Energy Solar energy Wind energy Software and programming Computer calculations
04 AUG

På forkant med solkraften

Det er vanskeligt at forudsige, hvor meget solen vil skinne. Men ny software betyder, at man kan forudsige, hvor meget strøm et solcelleanlæg vil producere.

Energy Solar energy Wind energy Software and programming Computer calculations
01 JUL

Big Data bliver håndgribeligt for dansk erhvervsliv

20 danske virksomheder vil booste væksten gennem bedre anvendelse af Big Data. Projektet Big Data Business Academy udspringer af Industriens Fonds temaindkaldelse om Big...

Computer calculations Data analysis
Jennifer Strater, MSc-student and Fulbright Scholar from USA
30 JUN

Fulbright Scholar joins DTU Compute

In fall 2016 Jennifer Strater from USA will join the Formal Methods section at DTU Compute as a MSc student and Fulbright scholar.

Data analysis Computer calculations Software and programming
Sådan ”hører” hjernen lyde når du sover
22 JUN

Sådan ”hører” hjernen lyde når du sover

Når vi falder i søvn, fortsætter hjernen med behandle de ord, som den hører. Men når vi går ind i den drømmende fase, bekymrer hjernen sig ikke længere om den ydre verden...

Computer calculations Data analysis
18 MAY

The dreamy computer

Image creation in computers resembles human dreams where we sometimes imagine things that we have not actually experienced. This is the conclusion of a research collaboration...

Image analysis Computer calculations Data analysis
13 MAY

Den drømmende computer

Billeddannelse i en computer kan minde om menneskers drømme, hvor vi kan forestille os noget, som vi i virkeligheden ikke har set. Det viser et forskningssamarbejde mellem...

Image analysis Computer calculations Data analysis
Technologist nr. 8 - 2016
08 APR

Nyt Technologist ude nu

Et nyt nummer af DTU’s internationale magasin Technologist er nu på vej ud i hele Europa. Denne gang bl.a. med historien om, hvordan vi kommer til at færdes og leve i verdens...

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Technologist no 8, 2016
08 APR

New issue of Technologist out now

The feature story in the new issue of DTU’s international magazine, Technologist, is about how we will be moving around in our big cities in the future.

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Photo: Panthermedia
11 MAR

Clean water on green power

Ingenious software enables operators to move the most energy-consuming processes of the wastewater system to times of the day with plenty of cheap renewable energy. In...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Computer calculations Data analysis Software and programming IT systems Energy efficiency Energy production
Security check
15 FEB

Better X-ray screening to improve safety at airports

The growing safety challenge in air traffic often creates chaos and delays in airports’ luggage handling. Now a number of companies and research groups in the Danish...

Physics Image analysis Computer calculations
12 FEB

Bedre røntgen skal øge sikkerheden i lufthavne

Den voksende udfordring med sikkerhed i flytrafikken skaber ofte kaos og forsinkelser i lufthavnenes bagagehåndtering. Nu går en række virksomheder og forskningsgrupper...

Physics Image analysis Computer calculations
DTU Compute, Richard Petersens Plads, Kgs. Lyngby
29 OCT

DTU Compute etablerer nyt Big Data center

Det nye center hedder Big Data•DTU og skal styrke forskning og uddannelse inden for Big Data. Det kommer som opfølgning på anbefalinger fra den nye rapport "Big Data...

Data analysis Computer calculations
Caroline Persson, studerende fra DTU Compute, vinder førstepræmie til studenterkonferencen Grøn Dyst 2015 for sin ”grønne” solcellemodel, som skal gøre solenergi til et attraktivt alternativ til fossile brændstoffer
03 JUL

Attraktiv solcellemodel til fossilfri fremtid

Caroline Persson, studerende fra DTU Compute, vinder førstepræmie til studenterkonferencen Grøn Dyst 2015 for sin ”grønne” solcellemodel, som skal gøre solenergi til...

Computer calculations Data analysis Mathematical modelling Statistics
Young Researchers Award 2015
13 MAY

Young Researchers Award til ny musikforskning

Ph.d.- studerende Jens Madsen fra DTU Compute, forskningssektionen Kognitive Systemer, modtager Young Researchers Award for sin forskning i musik. Han har udviklet matematiske...

Data analysis Computer calculations Mathematical modelling
Big Data Hackathon May 2015
04 MAY

Big Data Hackathon maj 2015

DTU gentager succesen fra sidste år og afholder endnu en Big Data Hackathon. Denne gang inviterer Microsoft og DTU Compute.

Data analysis Computer calculations Mathematical modelling
Photo Colourbox
16 DEC

Forskning og uddannelse er en forudsætning for gevinst af Big Data

Alle taler om Big Data og at vi er på vej ind i en ny Big Data-tidsalder, hvor næsten alt i vores hverdag kan måles og vejes, fordi det kan sættes ind på digital formel...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Systems and data security
11 JUL

Stærke personlige forbindelser styrker fælles problemløsning

Nye forskningsresultater fra DTU Compute viser, at man kan forudsige, hvor godt et hold vil klare sig, ud fra hvor stærke forbindelser holdet har. Det har nemlig større...

Information technology Production and management Computer calculations Data analysis Statistics
Til at estimere ansigtstræk har Jens Fagertun opbygget statiske modeller over både DNA’et og ansigtstræk, hvorefter han har forsøgt at finde ud af, hvilke DNA-strukturer, der ansporer til hvilke ansigtstræk. Illustration: Jens Fagertun
07 APR

Dansk forskning i front med ansigtsanalyser

Et banebrydende forskningsprojekt med at estimere ansigtstræk baseret på DNA kan med tiden hjælpe patienter med mentale lidelser og medvirke til at opklare forbrydelser...

Computer calculations
Foto: Laura Stamer
17 MAY

Nyt institut viser vejen til det digitale samfund

17. maj klipper uddannelsesminister Morten Østergaard snoren over og indvier officielt det nye institut DTU Compute. Instituttet bliver Danmarks største inden for matematik...

Data analysis Computer calculations Mathematical modelling
Illustration: Kofoed Wind, Hughes, Clarkson og Munk Jacobsen
15 MAY

Studerende forudsiger Melodi Grand Prixet

En matematisk model fra DTU viser, at Danmark får en niendeplads ved lørdagens finale, og at Aserbajdsjan igen løber med sejren.

Computer calculations Data analysis Mathematical modelling
Foto: Colourbox
14 MAY

Ny søgemaskine finder sjældne diagnoser

DTU Compute har udviklet et søgeværktøj, der kan hjælpe læger med at pejle sig ind på den rette diagnose hos patienter med sjældne sygdomme.

Computer calculations Data analysis Medical equipment and systems

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